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This blog serves as a journal starting in June of 2006 when I moved back to Nebraska with my three young children. Starting over with a new career in a new place can be overwhelming but I have focused my energy on the renovation of this beautiful building that will someday be a home for my family. The process is liberating and therapeutic. Since most of my friends and family are located around the world and are not here to watch, this blog will serve as a window to the journey.

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Location: Neligh, Nebraska, United States

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Work in the lower level

I spent most of the Easter weekend gutting these old men's and women's bathrooms that were back to back. We left one toilet and sink to use while we continue working. This will eventually be one large bathroom. We also moved a wall and removed carpet in what will be one of the bedrooms. Elianne and Anna loved helping, while William was off watching his Cars movie. We also stripped out a closet that was damaged from termites and water. The mold and mess was overwhelming but it's done!

I'm afraid my pace of remodeling is a little too fast for my dad who likes the retired man's pace. He tried to keep busy with various tasks so he wouldn't have to watch the destruction. Upcoming tasks include repairing a great deal of plaster and removing peeling paint.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Looks like you have some great helpers!!!! You are so energetic woman :) That looks like a fun project and I wish you the best with it. I'll keep looking back for progress!

7:23 PM  

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