Neligh Library Home

This blog serves as a journal starting in June of 2006 when I moved back to Nebraska with my three young children. Starting over with a new career in a new place can be overwhelming but I have focused my energy on the renovation of this beautiful building that will someday be a home for my family. The process is liberating and therapeutic. Since most of my friends and family are located around the world and are not here to watch, this blog will serve as a window to the journey.

My Photo
Location: Neligh, Nebraska, United States

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The End of a Journey...or Rather the Beginning of a New One

The past three years have indeed been a journey and it is time to close this chapter as the next few years will consist only of minor projects. Before I draw this blog to a close I would like to send a special thanks to all those contractors and businesses that provided products and services for this arduous renovation of an almost 100 year-old building. Without their help it would not be the beautiful home it is today. Of course a shameless plug is in order for them. They all come highly recommended:

Dave Schmitt, Contractor
Seier Electric, Mike Seier
Petersburg Building & Supply, Monty & Teri Reicks
Werkmeister Cabinets
Dan Smith, HVAC
Joe Seier, Jack of all trades

In addition to learning more than I ever wanted to know about construction, plumbing, HVAC, and electrical wiring, I also learned a lot about people these past few years. There have been many highs and lows and I am most thankful for those friends and family members who have celebrated in my successes and held my hand through the tears. And now some quotes that have gotten me through those highs and lows of life.

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

“What is right is not always popular, and what is popular is not always right.”

“Never wait around for someone to bring you flowers, plant your own garden.”

“When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on."

~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

“Living with integrity means,
Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships,
Asking for what you want and need from others,
Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension,
Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values,
Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.”

To my family and friends around the world, thanks for being a part of this journey. And now for the next! No, that doesn’t mean I plan on ever tackling a renovation like this again, just living a good life is tough enough! Cheers!

Sunday, April 05, 2009

April Blizzard

Just when I thought it was safe to put away the snow shovels and sleds, another wintery blast hits us. Hard to believe I was running in shorts and refinishing some wood trim outside just two weeks ago. I'm getting antsy to get started on some more projects and spend some time in the yard which has thus far been neglected. My poor spring flowers are under six inches of snow. Well, I'm off for my morning workout and therapy, a.k.a., shoveling!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Living Room

My sister wanted to see my living room as I try to decide what sort of coffee table/ottoman to get so here are a couple of pics. I'm leaning towards a large circular ottoman that's upholestered as the kids love to just plop down in the middle of the room. I'm enjoying my new sofa and TV, though I often have to kick the kids off my TV and send them downstairs. My friends and I had a chance to break them in for the Superbowl. So what do you think 'K'?

Summer Projects

The last 3 months have consisted of cold, short days often with bone chilling wind. When the sun did shine I loved opening the curtains and letting it stream in. However, just last week I saw my first robin and as the sun rises earlier every morning I'm starting to think about spring and summer. These days of being cooped up inside have also allowed me time to make my list of summer projects, because home remodeling is never really done! So here's my laundry list:

- scrape and paint the last 4 LARGE exterior windows
- swim in the river with the kids
- install last of the soffit vents
- have a beer
- refinish basement doors (6)
- go tanking with friends
- finish tiling back steps
- go waterskiing and fishing with the kids
- finish attic doorway
- have another beer or two

Seriously, did you think all I would do was work?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Finished Fireplace

Just as October flew by, so has November! We did manage to complete the fireplace in time to fire it up for some cold weather. I love the new marble surround and the kids are always asking to start a fire. This week the kids and I will reflect on all we have to be thankful for and as I sit here and look around this beautiful building I've made into a home I am thankful for all my family, friends, and reliable contractors who helped make my dream into a reality. So thank you, you all know who you are! Happy Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Update & Fireplace Work

Thought I better get a post in before October is history. We finished the windows on the south side and removed the scaffolding until next spring when I'll have to finish four more big windows. The fireplace is also starting to look pretty sharp. The cold weather is motivating me to get it done so I can have a roaring fire! We finished the hearth last week and will put up the marble surround soon. Can't wait for it to be the showpiece it's meant to be. I've included a picture of my helper removing the old bricks and some progress pictures. I'll post the final project soon...with a fire! Maybe by Christmas I'll actually have a sofa to sit on and enjoy the fire as well as a big screen TV up there. Hint, hint Santa!

Friday, September 19, 2008

We're In!

I guess I've been too busy enjoying my new home to blog much. Moving day was more like moving week. We slowly moved things so it was quite gradual and at some point we just started spending the night here. It's fabulous! The kids love their rooms (as do I) though "my" living room has turned into a racetrack for riding toys. I guess I should enjoy the time they want to spend in my company as in a few years they'll want more privacy. Things are still pretty cluttered as I find homes for everything then I'll have to figure out what furniture I still need. Enjoy the pics, ignore the clutter!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The End of Summer

The cicadas are buzzing and the nights are cooling, sure signs that summer is drawing to a close. Not to mention the fact that school started this week. I spent countless hours working on this project over the summer and it has paid off despite the sore arms, back, and muscles I didn't even know existed. The plan is to be moving in over Labor Day weekend though we've been slowly moving what we can as we go. All that's left is the laundry room and Dave is working hard to finish that up. I can't wait as I haven't had a clothes dryer in three months! Hopefully moving day pictures will be posted shortly!